HSC Feb-Mar 2020 Exam Result Distribution

(Revised Scheduled)

All students who appeared for HSC Feb-Mar 2020  Exam should note that board mark-sheets will be distributed as per following schedule. As we are all aware that the world is facing the situation of pandemic, mark-sheets will be distributed as per the following schedule in order to avoid rush and maintain physical distancing. However students should note that due to some reason like non availability of transport, they will get their mark-sheet in later period also the schedule of the same will be displayed in due course.

Students should note that they should strictly follow, the instructions given below:

1.  Student must come as per the schedule and if student is not able to reach in time they should come as per the new schedule declared in due course.

2.  Student MUST BE USING PROPER FACE MASK and without mask entry in the campus is not allowed.


4.  Student must bring his / her hall ticket and 11th/12th identity card.

5.  Student must bring his / her own ball-point pen for signature and notebook if required.

Strict action will be taken against the student who will not follow any of the above instructions. 

For Revised Scheduled ⇨ CLICK HERE

  FYJC Annual Examination Time Table March/April - 2025